Applying for Medicaid can be confusing. Worse, doing it wrong or at the wrong time may result in the delay or denial of benefits.
Applying for Medicaid can be confusing. Worse, doing it wrong or at the wrong time may result in the delay or denial of benefits.
Medicaid coverage was denied a woman who faithfully gave to the Church for years. DHS issued a notice that she would be penalized in the form of a delay in coverage due to her giving. However, on appeal she prevailed. Her tithing was not a scheme to become eligible for Medicaid and she became immediately eligible.
DHS Denies Grandmother’s SoonerCare Nursing Home Benefits Imagine that your grandmother is denied benefits because she spent all of her money trying to remain in her home. DHS looks at the finances and says that because she paid family members that she now has to wait 2 years. We did not like that answer and […]