Owners of mineral interests often want to determine who is producing the oil and gas from a well on their property. This is so they know who is responsible for paying their royalties. Once this is known, contact can be made to get paid.

Check to See Who Should be Paying Oil and Gas Royalties?
This post is to assist you in finding operators on specific pieces of property. With this information you can determine who is responsible for payment of your share of the royalties.
Links to Help You Determine Mineral Producers on Your Property
Tax Commission Production Records

Identify Operators on Your Land
For this step you will need to know the abbreviated legal description of the property. For example, your description may look like this:
Northwest of Section 36, Township 17 North, Range 15 West, Dewey County, Oklahoma.
However, all you will need is this information:
- NW Section 25, Township 10 North, Range 5 West
Next, go to the Oklahoma tax Commission page to lookup production here: Tax Commission Production Records Find the Public PUN Search button that looks like this:

Check the Search by Legal button and enter the Section, Township and Range. You may also list the quarter section where the property is located. However, leaving it blank is a good place to start.
You will have a result page that should look like this:

You will want to review the active leases. Choose Production History to see if there is recent activity.
Which Company Should be Paying My Royalties?
In the example above, this shows activity, so it appears to be an active well with Blake Resources as the reporting company. This is also likely the company responsible for paying royalties. There may one reporting company for oil and a different one for gas.
Search the name of operator in this example using Operator List and Lookup. You also might want the search using the operator’s name and the words “owner relations”. You should quickly discover how to contact the company about your interest.