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Estate Planning

Does your dog need a Trust?  Should you tell your Cat? To some this may seem a bit silly, but for many of us we want to insure that are pets are cared for after we are gone.  One of the obstacles would-be caregivers face are the expenses associated with keeping an animal happy and […]

How to make a valid oral Will. People often wonder if it is possible to make a will without writing it down. The answer is Oklahoma is yes. The an oral Will is a “Nuncupative Will.” A nuncupative will is not required to be in writing, nor to be declared or attested with any formalities. […]

   Ready for immediate delivery.  View on PDF viewers.     I’m proud to announce that our first guide for creating your estate plan has been published as an EBook.  Even better. Its free. This plain-English guide provides information into common documents used to create a plan, including: Wills Trusts Powers of Attorney Living Wills […]

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