The goals for most people is to stay in control as long as they are alive and well. When they’re not, a hand-picked trusted person follows your wishes and interests according to your “Rule Book”.
The main reason the people establish see an attorney about a Will or a Trust is to insure that their wishes, concerns and needs are met. It is best to prepare a plan is before it is needed. The problem is that none of us know exactly when or how this will occur.
Too often I visit with people who had an attorney prepare an Estate Plan for them. However, they have no idea what their plan is, how it works or how to keep it updated. That is why I offer workshops that explain these concepts in everyday terms. These cover Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney, Living Wills, Medicaid Planning and Wartime Veterans Pensions (Aid & Attendance)
Courts encourage individuals to make plans for life’s events. Whether these are incapacity or death, your wishes are honored but only if they are properly documented. If you do not choose who will be in charge then the courts decide. The result is that the person chosen by the court might not be who you want.
People who do not direct who they want to serve as a Power of Attorney, executor or trustee are subject to uncertainty as to who will fill that role. In fact, the courts may be left to appoint a guardian or person in charge of your estate that is not well suited to do so. You know your family better than any court. You are in the best position to determine who should be in charge. Without your direction the courts must follow unthinking statutes and guess at who is best suited to manage your affairs. Frankly, sometimes there is no family member who is well suited to take care of business and a trusted friend or adviser would be the best person. That is why it is vital for you to decide who should make the decisions or be responsible.
Perhaps the most important question in making an Estate Plan is who would be best able to carry out your wishes. This may be healthcare choices, decisions about distributions to your family or decisions about your business affairs. Creating an Estate Plan is more than just deciding who gets what after your gone. It is plan to provide for your loved ones in a way that benefits them. It is also an opportunity to make plans in case you become incapacitated and unable to act for yourself.
The best part about estate planning is that you do not have to have any specialized knowledge. We all drive cars without worrying about how a spark plug works. The education provided at the workshops and throughout the process insures that clients will understand the basics of how the plan works.
All you have to know is:
From there we can begin to make an Estate Plan that fits your goals and need. Please watch this short video:
Half way between 2nd and Danforth just off of Boulevard.