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Part of my Client Maintenance Program includes a membership to DocuBank.
DocuBank provides hospitals with immediate access to your healthcare directives and emergency information, 24/7/365. Our office includes DocuBank as part of our client service package to ensure that your living will, health care power of attorney and other important medical information will be available at the hospital when needed.
Be sure to carry your DocuBank Emergency Access Card in your wallet — next to your driver’s license or health insurance card — at all times. You should also periodically update your emergency contact and medical information stored with DocuBank. To do so, see the box to the right. You will need your member number, PIN and personal password (default set to your zip code).
DocuBank provides protection for: minor children, college students, adults, and adults with special needs. Please see the following video for more information:
Client’s Guide to Other Features
This video shows you how to make a list of your medications available to doctors using your DocuBank Emergency Card. You can create a list of your medications on the DocuBank website, or you can upload a list you’ve prepared.
Student “In Case of Emergency” Card